Forget the 'New Year, New Me' mantra……..

So as I work my way through a mountain of mince pies and work out where my children’s new toys are going to fit (why is every kids toy so loud?!?!) I start to think about the new year. It’s seems that as soon as we finish eating our turkey dinners we are bombarded with adverts and social media posts about losing weight and giving up wine, chocolate and anything else that is even a little bit tasty. Usually I find myself not even enjoying new years eve because I’m already worrying about how much weight I have put on and how I need to cut things out. Its like the black cloud starts to gather after boxing day and this little voice starts to take over telling me a list of negative things. I know I’m not alone in feeling like this and when I sat thinking about the new year, I decided enough was enough because me dieting and feeling flat wasn’t only affecting me but my children too. They don’t want a mummy who wont share chips with them or take them out for cake, they don’t care how big my thighs or my love handles are, they don’t even know what they are! For example, when I had my hair cut and curled and my little boy couldn’t stop laughing at mummies funny hair and repeatedly said your hair is weird… but that’s children for you, innocent and care free.

So, with the new year just around the corner it’s time to focus on what makes us happy and healthy, both body and mind. I’m not setting resolutions this year but 3 simple focuses that I want to make a true heartfelt pledge to giving my attention to.  Number 1 is easy, I’m going to give myself more love and attention. I’m good at giving advice and tips but when it comes to self care I can often fall flat due to being so flipping tiered and having kids to sort out. So 2019 I’m going to date myself a little bit more and allow myself time to do small acts of kindness for myself, I’m talking long baths, body scrubs and face packs and down time to meditate.

Focus 2 is going to be on digital detoxing at the weekends to allow for my family time and helping me to shut off from the constant social media comparisons. Don’t get me wrong I love Instagram and Facebook but when you’re not in the right head space or have had a bad day, scrolling through these beautiful accounts can make me feel flat, fat and fed up. So, weekends need to be a safe place where I can reset my mind and give all my love and attention to my family.

My final focus is on pushing myself forward even when I have self-doubt or feel negative. Learning to push myself out of my comfort zone will help create more opportunities and experiences. Since having my children, I find myself struggling more with anxiety and this stops me from doing things. I want to take back control and set myself free, so in 2019 I will be saying YES a little bit more and watching what amazing things can happen.

So however you spend New years eve just remember you are pretty amazing the way you are. You don’t need to compare yourself to others you see on social media or at the school gates. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself the thinking space to work out what you really want from 2019.  Lastly I want to thank you all for your continued support and business. I truly feel so lucky to meet such lovely people everyday and in 2018 I have lost count of how many babies were born with a little help from me and I feel emotional just thinking about it. So thank you and Happy New year….. See you on the massage couch soon xoxoxoxo